It’s definitely spring here in the DC area and the cherry blossoms are in full bloom. Spring is often seen as a time of new beginnings, fresh starts, and abundant growth. At RIVA, this is no exception! We are constantly working to make sure that our students’ and clients’ needs are met to the highest standards.
Coming up in 2023, we’re hosting two new/revamped courses, introducing a new policy to focus on mental health, bringing back one of our courses for the first time since 2019, and starting a new beginning with a new face.
RIVA Highlights

- RIVA made the trip across the seas to train our first on-site custom training outside of the US since the start of the pandemic!
- Jo Ann had a phenomenal time at the QRCA Annual Conference.
- RIVA welcomed our new Admin Assistant in February with Rhea Baesa becoming the newest RIVETTE. You can get to know her more later in the newsletter.
- RIVA introduced “Mental Health Days” in 2023, allowing staff to use this day to take care of themselves and do anything BUT work. The first of these days occurred in February.
- Now that the world is moving toward a post-pandemic mindset, RIVA no longer requires students taking in-person courses to show proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test. However, we are still taking precautions like limited class sizes, individually packed supplies, individual lunches, and added cleaning measures.
Upcoming RIVA Courses

RIVA 195V: Principles of QLMR
Asynchronous – Can be taken on your own time, at any time.
RIVA 201V: Fundamentals of Moderating
June 5-8, 2023
July 10-13, 2023
August 7-10, 2023
September 11-14, 2023
**Many of RIVA’s 201: Fundamentals of Moderating in person classes are full, but you can join the waitlist or look out for upcoming courses later this year.**

RIVA 202V: Skill Acceleration
May 1-4, 2023
RIVA 207V: Fundamentals of IDI Moderating
August 14-17, 2023
RIVA 241V: Qualitative Analysis and Reporting
September 18-21, 2023
**Only Offered Once a Year**
RIVA 204: All About Ethnography
July 17-20, 2023
RIVA 221V: Principles of User Experience Research & Testing
May 22-23
RIVA 501V: Facilitation – Tools, Tips, & Techniques
June 12-14, 2023
New & Improved Courses
RIVA 601V: Guide Development Workshop – Virtual, August 2023
Don’t miss out on our new RIVA course! RIVA 601V: Guide Development Workshop has been designed to meet the requests of our students looking for direct, individualized, and personalized feedback on guide development. Students who take this course will work on a moderator guide for a typical QRE they complete in their current roles with a topic of their choice and will workshop the guide with the trainer.
RIVA 275: Beyond Probes – Using Interventions & Projective Techniques to Get Below Top-of-Mind Answers – In person, November 28-30, 2023
Who says an old dog can’t learn new tricks? Or in this case an experienced moderator adding new tools to their qualitative skill set. RIVA 275 is a new and improved course focused on how to use interventions and projective techniques. Students will learn a variety of interventions and projective techniques and the best ways to use and implement them into their QRE guides.
Upcoming Learning Opportunities
RIVA’s #AskARIVATrainer Facebook Live Series – April 28th at 1pm ET
Our trainer will be answering questions regarding the unique qualitative methodology of ethnography. You can submit your questions to brittany@rivainc.com or wait to comment on the announcement posts across our social media. Join us on our Facebook page on April 28th to hear your questions answered!
Future Facebook Live Dates:
June 16
August 11
November 17
UX SIG: Intro to Card Sorting & Tree Testing – June 2 at 12:15pm CT
Lloyd Harris Scholarship

The Lloyd Harris Scholarship celebrates QRCA member, Lloyd J. Harris, and his legacy in conducting research among African American and gay communities. The award provides the winner with moderator training from RIVA Training Institute or Burke Institute to those who have not had previous qualitative training and are within their first five years of qualitative research.
Congratulations to the 2023 winners: Amanda, Nathan, and Faith!
We look forward to seeing all that the three of you accomplish in the qualitative research world!
Applications are currently closed but will reopen later this year for the 2024 scholarship.
Naomi Henderson Legacy Awards

The Naomi Henderson Legacy Awards celebrates two of Naomi’s loves: teaching and learning in the qualitative research world. Brought to you by RIVA Market Research & Training Institute, Insights Association, and QRCA, the awards are divided into two parts: the Learning Award and the Teaching Award.
The Learning Award will honor a person with 2-5 years of experience and who has demonstrated a commitment to including inclusive qualitative research practices as part of their career goals.
The Teaching Award honors an educator who has demonstrated a dedication to advancing excellence and inclusive best practices when teaching qualitative research and methods.
Applications for these awards will open on April 27 and the deadline to apply will be October 2023. If interested or if you know someone else who might be interested in applying for the award, visit https://www.insightsassociation.org/Education/Naomi-Henderson-Legacy-Award
Additionally, a Tribute and Award Information Session will be held on June 8, 2023 at 11am ET: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_hi-sGhczTBu4yxhLxSLupA
Meet our new Administrative Assistant – Rhea Baesa

We’re very excited to welcome our new RIVETTE!
Rhea graduated in 2022 with a Bachelor of Science in Advertising Design. She will be supporting all day-to-day logistics for courses and assisting on research projects.
Rhea enjoys creating art, listening to music, and [like many of RIVA’s staff] travelling when she’s not at work.
Get to know her further:
Favorite color: purple
A cuisine she could never get bored of: Hot Pot
Dream Vacation: Spain
Loves: Making art – with a particular fondness for digital art
We wish you all the best this season!