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RIVA Celebrates! – Favorite Memories

Posted on April 30, 2021 by Riva Market Research Training Institute

In honor of RIVA’s 40th Anniversary, we asked the RIVETTES to help celebrate by sharing some of their favorite memories from their time at the company and their favorite part of working for the company.

[Check in throughout the month to see some more celebration posts as we get closer to RIVA Day on June 1st!]

Beside each name is how long each RIVETTE has been at RIVA.

Amber Tedesco, COO/Executive Director, 23 years

Favorite Memory: My favorite memory is when I was hired at RIVA.  I remember being in the Research Assistants office at that time. I had meet with Naomi, the Training Director, and then Luc.  After my interview with Luc I was asked to wait with the Research Assistant who would talk to me about what she did.  Shortly after Naomi and Luc came dancing out of Luc’s office offering me the front desk position.  I have never laughed so hard and thought who are these crazy people?  I knew if I said yes, it would be an adventure and it has! 

Favorite part of working at RIVA: Love being part of a team of smart, bright, and caring people who have similar beliefs in how to treat other.

Brittany Mohammed, Associate Project Coordinator, Almost 4 years

RIVA Day 2019

Favorite Memory: My favorite memory at RIVA is from our 2019 RIVA Day Celebration – getting to see the creative side of everyone during the RIVA paint & stain day. It’s definitely a highlight of my time at RIVA.

Favorite part of working at RIVA: Working with a bunch of strong, proud, diverse women has always inspired me to be more open about speaking my mind and knowing that my opinion matters. We operate well because there’s a family element of being at RIVA, it’s not just business, we care about each other and want each other to succeed.

Jo Ann Hairston, Master Moderator/Master Trainer, 40 years

Favorite Memory: Our first office over the Chinese Restaurant across from Bethesda Farm Women’s Market.  We were in the middle of everything and could easily walk to any cuisine we could imagine eating, the movies, shopping, and more.

Favorite part of working at RIVA: All hands-on- deck thinking where anyone and everyone will pitch in to do whatever is needed, and then we have a great meal!

Linda Mui, Senior Training/Research Coordinator, Almost 7 years

Favorite Memory: There have been so many! I will say Naomi’s 75th Birthday Party. Naomi is very generous and invited all of us to celebrate with her.

Favorite part of working at RIVA:

Naomi Henderson, CEO & Co-Founder AKA RIVA DIVA, 40 years

Favorite Memory: Going to Paris for 30th Anniversary.

Paris Trip 30th Anniversary

Favorite part of working at RIVA: Seeing my vision for a company come alive and stay alive for 40 years.

Romaine Bailey, Master Coach, Almost 16 years

Favorite Memory: One memory I loved is the Paris trip with Rivettes.

Favorite part of working at RIVA: Meeting and interacting with our students.