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Qualitative Research by the Numbers: Introducing a New Blog Series

Posted on July 9, 2021 by Riva Market Research Training Institute


“There are no numbers in qualitative research, except page numbers in a report:” A maxim RIVA students have heard from trainers for decades. From the early stages of research to the presentation of findings, qualitative research focuses on the POBAs [perceptions, opinions, beliefs, and attitudes] of respondents rather than tallying answers to metric-based questions. However, if you look in the shadows of qualitative research, numbers do appear, not in the presentation of findings, but in the way the project unfolds.

In the upcoming months, this new series “Qualitative Research by the Numbers” will be posted on our blog – where we’ll be exploring the numbers that do matter in qualitative market research project.

topic overview: qualitative research by the numbers

19 Methodologies [Qualitative Research Events-QREs]
4 Stages in any QRE
4 Pillars of Inquiry:  Determining POBAs
0 Why Questions in a QRE

2 Hours to write a screener
6 Hours to write a moderator’s guide
7 Ground rules for participants
5 Excellent Question Stems
36 Probes to get below top-of-mind

1 Trained Moderator
2 ears for listening without judging
6-8 Respondents in an ideal focus group
2-10 Observers present at a QRE
2 hours to conduct a traditional focus group

1-2 Trained Analysts/Report Writers
1 Video recording [optional] per each QRE
1 Audio recording [required] per each QRE
6-8 Weeks from client request to final full report
1-2 Day turnaround for typed transcripts per each QRE
36 Non-contiguous hours to write a full report
12-24 hours for a topline report – without quotes

20 Qualities of Good Moderators
6 Biases in every QRE project
26 Best practices for successful QREs
10 Reasons QLMR is important

Written by: Naomi Henderson, CEO/Co-Founder of RIVA