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Congratulations to our new Master Moderators!

Posted on January 27, 2014 by Riva Market Research Training Institute

by Naomi Henderson

Our industry is one in which competence, let alone expertise, is difficult to measure.  Self-declared moderators with little or no training print business cards and go off to find clients. They jump feet first into the world of qualitative research without having to prove themselves or gain experience in the intensely difficult task of moderating qualitative events.

This past week, four individuals completed RIVA’s rigorous Master Moderator Program. These men and women have completed hours of qualitative research for a variety of client categories, attended many RIVA training courses, and passed a practicum and written test. These students have applied themselves to the art and science of moderating, seeking to rise above the status quo and prove themselves as qualified Master Moderators.

We at RIVA are immensely proud of our new Master Moderators: Mark Howell, Sharon Laukhuff, Miguel Martinez-Baco, and Laurie Quercioli.  They have realized that a master is created, not born and have risen to the challenge of mastery.


RIVA Staff and the New Master Moderators
RIVA Staff and the New Master Moderators