People considering a career as a moderator/qualitative researcher often have a ton of questions. Here are eight quick career tips for those looking to make moderating their career.
- You should be able to answer questions such as these as you embark on this path:
What attracts You to this work?
What attributes of a good Focus Group Moderator do you already demonstrate in your current professional role?
What feedback, if any have you gotten from those who know you well that fit the Qualities of a Good Moderator?”
What experience, if any, have you had – the results of which clearly indicate that you are a good candidate for success in this role?
What training, if any, have you had or are committed to undertake in order to enhance your understanding of this particular career?
Will your focus be on niche moderating or will you be a generalist?
Are you willing to travel on short notice and handle all that entails including the impact that may have on your personal life? - Get yourself into a partnership/mentorship with experienced moderators who are willing to have you observe and participate in some way in an actual focus group. Of course, you will have questions for them but be sure to get feedback from them regarding the structure and effectiveness of your questions. You want to learn techniques, rather than emulate their personality styles. Observe how they communicate with clients. This is critical because, in essence, your first meeting/interview with your client should utilize many of the qualities needed when conducting your focus group in order to produce the desired results.
- Practice, practice, practice… everywhere. Hone your techniques regarding
a. How to structure effective questions,
b. How to probe to get more than top-of-mind responses
c. How and when to use interventions,
d. How write a and use a guide - Become very clear about the power of listening – especially the distinction in listening to, rather than listening for what’s being said. It’s worth doing some research and practice to gain a real understanding of the benefits and drawbacks of listening styles.
- Offer to do pro bono work for some group. Have it recorded for self-critique as well as providing evidence of your prowess. This includes one-on-one interviews as well as group work. Ask for the opportunity to serve their needs and have then provide the space and respondents.
- Read and observe all you can about current trends in qualitative research. For example, learn how qualitative research is accomplished virtually and how this differs from in-person events.
- Subscribe to publications such as Quirk’s Media. Or, simply by conducting an internet search on “qualitative research publications“ will yield much in the way of general and specific information on this topic. You will find publications/articles such as: Qualitative Research, Qualitative Health Research, International Journal of Qualitative Methods, and The Qualitative Report.
- Join local groups or organizations such as:
b. American Association for Public Opinion
c. Association of Qualitative Research
d. American Ethnological Society
e. Insights Association
These are but a few, and you can find others for specific form of qual research.
In closing, hope you find these tips a helpful nudge in expanding your thinking and resources on your journey. Qualitative interviewing is a great career for those who enjoy getting paid to be nosy. Wishing you the best.
Written by: Romaine Bailey – Master Coach & Trainer at RIVA